welcome to Hansel Technologies

The Best Solution of Renewable Energy & Extra Low Voltage


Hansel Technologies is an Electrical, Extra Low Voltage ELV and Renewable energy company in supplies, installations, and design of electrical panels systems. We are renewable energy and Electrical company with a difference with capable and experienced Electrical, ELV and Renewable energy engineer to complete hassle-free Installations. We also ensure the continuous training and quality of our engineers to the very highest standards expected of the modern and civilized world with a view to meeting the taste of our numerous clients.

Hansel Engineers
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how we work

Our Work Process


 All functions including supply chain, value chain, project scheduling, manufacturing, services and spares, technology, R&D, etc. are integrated to give a complete solutions package.


Project Planning

We are responsible for solar panel installation and we work with you every step of the way to bring your solar project to life.


Research & Analysis

Hanselng examines technology costs, location-specific competitive advantages and policy impacts on system financing.


Make it Happen

Hansel technologies executes fast in a revolutionising manner which has made us to be preferred to our competitions .

Have Questions? We are Here to Help You!

Hansel Technologies is Nigeria’s leading renewable energy solutions provider.

quality stuff

Meet Our Profesionals
